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When it comes to recruiting, employing and supporting international employees, the Victor’s Group is a pioneer in the healthcare sector in Germany. International employees have been actively promoted through the establishment of the department Human Resources International. This makes the Victor’s Group one of the first healthcare companies in Germany to set up a specialised department for this purpose. Today, an average of 300 employees come to us every year. The department now employs twelve members of staff – and the number is increasing!


HR All-rounder – the interface to your country of origin.

These colleagues will conduct the interviews with you and supervise your journey to Germany. They have several years of experience, and will help you or the local project partner with all questions.

Integration Officer – your contact person once you have started in Germany.

These colleagues specialise in the topics that we know from experience occupy international employees. They will assist you with typical questions once you arrive in Germany. For instance, they will help you to find accommodation, with having your professional qualifications from your country acknowledged, with improving your language skills, with reuniting with your family, or with extending your residency permits.

Human Resources Administrator – the “engine room” of our department.

These colleagues ensure that everything runs “like clockwork”. For instance, this is where your employment contracts are drawn up and any other necessary documents prepared. If you have not applied through one of our local project partners, these colleagues will be your first point of contact when you need to obtain missing documents or to arrange an interview with you.

CONCLUSION: We are experts in what we do. Our company is well-versed in dealing with international employees. Our main concern is always ensuring that you feel happy with us.

That is why improvement processes are constantly taking place and new initiatives always being launched from which you can benefit. For instance, we recently created a new onboarding course for international skilled workers and skilled workers in recognition that will make it much easier for you to get started here.

Our surveys among our international employees prove us right: satisfaction is at a consistently high level and fluctuation has steadily decreased over the past few years. Not bad, don’t you think?

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